Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Menurut SuA Kekuatan Parti Keadilan Kerana....

Keadilan lahir daripada kebangkitan rakyat
kekuatan parti bergantung kepada tiga perkara.
Pertama, idealisme perjuangan keadilan yang berteraskan 17 prinsip.  Saya tak mahu sebut semua, tapi... satu ialah jaminan keadilan untuk semua kaum.  Afirmatif berdasarkan keperluan, bukannya berdasarkan warna kulit.  Menghormati prinsip-prinsip yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.  Kedudukan dan peranan institusi Raja.  Bahasa Melayu.  Islam sebagai agama persekutuan dan kedudukan istimewa bumiputera dan hak-hak orang asal Sabah dan Sarawak.
Mereka yang menyokong keadilan kerana mereka yakin dengan prinsip ini, they will stay.

Kedua, kekuatan keadilan itu terletak pada mass support.  Sokongan rakyat.  Sebab keadilan pada hari pertama kelahirannya, bukan dilahirkan oleh nama-nama besar.  Pada hari Anwar dibuang daripada UMNO dengan fitnah besar, fitnah satu tahun 1998, tak ada Majlis Tertinggi UMNO yang keluar parti menyokong Anwar.  Tak ada wanita UMNO yang keluar parti kerana menyokong Anwar.

Empat orang EXCO Pemuda UMNO sahaja yang menyokong Anwar.  Saifuddin, Rahim Ghouse, Ruslan Kassim, dan Zahid Hamidi, sekejap.  Lepas dia (Zahid) kena tangkap ISA, dia balik semula.  Ok, tak apa.  Ruslan pun balik, tinggal saya Saifuddin dengan Rahim Ghouse.

Itu sahaja, fakta.  Hanya seorang ketua UMNO bahagian, daripada 165 Ketua Pemuda (bahagian) UMNO ketika itu, hanya seorang saja, iaitu Hamdan Taha.  Ketua Pemuda Teluk Intan yang menyertai Anwar.  Sekarang ini adalah pegawai kepada Zambri Kadir.

Jadi siapa yang menyokong Keadilan?  Mereka adalah aktivis sosial, NGO aktivis, ahli akademik, mereka adalah pegawai kerajaan yang bersara, mereka adalah anak muda, mereka inilah bukan nama besar.  Ertinya keadilan itu lahir bukan macam UMNO lahir di istana, seperti mana lahirnya PAS di Gunung Semanggol.  Ulamak, Muslim scholar yang lahirkan PAS.  UMNO lahir dalam elit.  Tapi Keadilan lahir dari sokongan massa. Kamu semaklah mana-mana sejarah parti politik dunia.  Kalau dia (parti) dilahirkan oleh kebangkitan rakyat, parti itu will stay (akan kekal).

Dan yang ketiga, disebabkan sokongan massa dalam konteks organisasi, keadilan kuat kerana anggotanya.  Kena tangkap sudah.  Kena gas sudah.  Kena lokap sudah.  Kena penjara sudah.  Hilang kerja sudah.  Hilang pencen sudah.  Semua sudah.

Siapa mereka ni?  Nelayan, penoreh getah, penjaja kecil, pemandu teksi, ini adalah kekuatan parti Keadilan.  Saya masuk di sini.  Saya teliti keanggotaan parti, 35% of the anggota parti, datang daripada young group.  Dan ini bukan berlaku secara tiba-tiba.  Tidak.  Young group ni apa?  Maklumat yang cukup, level of education (taraf pendidikan) lebih baik, energetic, mereka ni punya vision, they know what they are doingThey choose to be with us.

Setia Usaha Agung Parti Keadilan sudah ke lapan dalam masa 11 tahun

Saifuddin: Saya nak sebut, parti Keadilannya umurnya sudah berapa tahun?  11 tahun.  S/A-nya sudah bertukar ganti beberapa kali.  Annuar Tahir, Sahri Bahari, Abdul Rahman Othman, Mustafa Kamil Ayub, Kamarul Bahrin Abbas (gambar kiri), Khalid Ibrahim, Salehuddin Hashim, sudah tujuh.  Saya yang kelapan.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Raising UM into the rank of top 100 Universities(DTC Part 5)

Raising UM into the rank of top 100 Universities(DTC Part 4)

Raising UM into the rank of top 100 Universities(DTC Part 3)

Raising UM into the rank of top 100 Universities(DTC Part 2)

Raising UM into the rank of top 100 Universities(DTC Part 1)

Di mana Ulama Cari makan nak Sembunyikan muka

At a time when our community is divided, as with this central issue of fair and free elections, I would expect our ulamas and religious leaders to be our healers, to bring us together, to be the balm to our collective wounds. Instead they became only too willing instruments of the state with their canned state-issued sermons demonizing those who saw merit in the objectives of Bersih 2.0.

Obviously to the thousands of Malays who took part in Bersih 2.0, including one particular old man in his jubbah who had to be helped to walk, those characters cloaked in their flowing robes standing at their mimbar every Friday noon are less pious ulamas to be revered but more propagandists for the state to be defied. They may be Imams, but to the thousands who took part in Berseh 2.0 last Saturday, they are carma imams, to borrow National Laureate Samad Said’s term. Carma is the Malay contraction of cari makan, seeking a living. Idiomatically it refers to those who prostituted their honored craft or profession.

Those GI Imams (Government-issued) have flunked their test; there is no remedial course for them either. That is one of the great casualties of last Saturday’s event. For those carma imams, there is no corner they can return to or hide in.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Major Defeat For Barisan Nasional’s War For The Hearts And Minds of Malaysians

By Matthias Chang taken from

Barisan Nasional’s War of Intimidation has backfired. Malaysians no longer fear the sight of armed security forces, the threat of racial riots and or the Communist bogey. Pictures of the peaceful determination and resolve of the Bersih demonstrators say it all. Objective Malaysians (the silent majority) cannot but be impressed with the maturity and faith of those who were willing to face arrest and police intimidation to uphold their principles.

Yes, Malaysia is not Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen etc. but there is a common thread – the people’s frustrations (real or otherwise) and the need for expressing their discontent cannot be suppressed. The arrogance of power is no match for grass-root activism.
It is indeed ironic that the “1Malaysia” slogan of the Prime Minister (a united multi- racial Malaysia) was reflected more in the ranks of the Bersih 2.0 campaign on 9th July 2011 than in the ranks of political opportunist and upstart Khairy Jamaluddin’s miniscule band of “Red Shirts” provocateurs. Perkasa as predicted had no mass following and was totally absent in spite of its provocative bravado.

I have been informed that some of the Prime Minister’s close advisers on strategy are so-called experts on “Blue Ocean Strategy”, the essence of which is to “make the competition irrelevant and creating uncontested market place”.

After the fiasco on 9th July 2011, may I suggest to the Prime Minister and theentire Barisan Nasional leadership that their first priority is to dump these political wannabes who are totally devoid of any knowledge and experience of the political realities on the ground.

The “political competition” of the Opposition has become more relevant than ever and has captured and occupied more effectively – physically and mentally both the uncontested and contested “political market place”. The BN government has spent RM billions, but has yet to show concrete results “on the ground, at the grass-roots level”. If these assholes cannot even handle a simple issue of a public demonstration, and the Prime Minister and the entire BN leadership still insist on relying on this bunch of immature political wannabes, then there is but one conclusion – Barisan Nasional will suffer a major setback in the coming General Election.
And if the election is held this year, I am willing to put my reputation on the line as a former political secretary to the fourth Prime Minister, that Barisan Nasional will never be able to reclaim the 2/3rd majority in Parliament as well as the four state governments controlled by the Opposition coalition.The Prime Minister will be ousted within six months from date of the election.

All these so-called advisers and political pundits can do a better service to the nation if they just spend 24/7 for an entire month, watching the Chinese historical epic “The Three Kingdoms” on sale in any DVD shop in Malaysia. They may just be able to learn some basic lessons on Political Strategy 101.
My second advice to the Prime Minister is to send his cousin, the Home Minister to be psycho-analysed for “Enlarged Ego Syndrome” (EES) and to revamp the entire senior management of the national security apparatus of the Polis Diraja Malaysia (the Royal Malaysian Police Force).

My third advice to the Prime Minister is to place in cold storage, the irrelevant UMNO Youth leader. If you do that, you would have – to a certain extent – applied the Blue Ocean Strategy. Your biggest problem and challenge is internal, within the ranks of your party – UMNO political warlords, not the Opposition parties.
These UMNO leaders are intellectually bankrupt and politically outdated.

What lessons can we draw from today’s event? To draw any conclusions and learn from the experience, we have to address the following questions:

Firstly, why did the so-called Blue Ocean Strategy experts fail to anticipate a repeat of Bersih 2007 and take pre-emptive measures?

Secondly, why did the national security apparatus fail to anticipate Bersih 2.0? When were the Prime Minister and the cabinet briefed on the Bersih 2.0 demonstration?

Thirdly, why did the Barisan Nasional government allow the Perkasa provocateurs to hijack the stage to mount their ill-conceived fascist-like reaction to Bersih, followed by the immature UMNO Youth’s belated bravado?

Fourthly, why did the Prime Minister, after agreeing to allow Bersih to congregate in a stadium, not follow through with that magnanimous decision by directing the police to grant the relevant permits, but flip-flopped and allowed the security apparatus to take complete charge?

Fifthly, what made the Barisan Nasional propaganda machinery think that by locking down the entire city since Friday evening, there will be a blowback – anger and opposition by the grass-roots – against the organisers of the Bersih 2.0 demonstration, and not against Barisan Nasional for their high-handed action?

Sixthly, was there any evaluation that by taking the sledge-hammer approach to Bersih 2.0 demonstration for “fair and clean elections”, the Barisan Nasional government will be able to retain its supporters and gain new adherents or on the contrary piss off its very own supporters and alienate further the 40% undecided voters?

Finally, what were the identified strategic objectives to be gained by adopting the sledge-hammer approach and how would they enhance the results in favour of the Barisan Nasional government in the coming General Election?

I am curious to know from the Blue Ocean Strategists, the Political Secretaries, the Special Officers and the highly paid consultants what Strategic Briefs/Memoranda that they have submitted to the Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional leadership.

The rakyat has the right to know as well. It is arrogance, height of irresponsibility and a dereliction of duty if no detail briefs were prepared and submitted for consideration.

It is my estimation that it will take a minimum of ten months at the minimum to repair the damage done to the image of the Barisan Nasional in general and the prime minister in particular, provided there is a coherent strategy to address and resolve the issues that are close to the hearts and minds of the grass-roots and the sophisticated urban middle-class voters (young and old). The administrative machinery is a giant bureaucracy – a super oil tanker. From top down, over 95 percent of the manpower is project-orientated, in plain BN language, money-orientated – “what’s in it for me” mentality. Everyone is eyeing the multi- billion dollar cake, the multi-billion dollar patronage gravy train.

But all that is required is going back to basics.

Three Kingdoms: Sima Yi vs. Zhuge Liang (Part 3/3)

Three Kingdoms: Sima Yi vs. Zhuge Liang (Part 2/3)

Three Kingdoms: Sima Yi vs. Zhuge Liang (Part 1/3)