Friday, September 6, 2013

Logik Juga Harga Minyak Kena naik.

Selepas solat subuh surau menyajikan nasi lemak dengan teh bersusu. Sambil borak-borak dengan ahli jamaah banyak yang dibicarakan. Topik hangat tentulah kenaikan harga minyak 20 sen seliter. Turut juga naik serta merta harga-harga barang makanan. Ketua SPAD turut mengatakan harga pengangkutan awam dan letrik akan naik. Menteri yang jaga pengguna kata kenaikan barangan seharusnya tidak melebihi 1.3 peratus.

Apakan daya sebagai orang rakyat bawahan aku laksana mentimun. Logik juga kata-kata mereka yang mengatakan harga minyak  kena naik. Logik aku pula pendapatan aku tidak meningkat tetapi sudah tentu perbelanjaan yang selama ini sudahpun sempit akan menjadi lebih sempit lagi. Logik aku kedai mamak akan menaikan harga teh tarik 20 sen sama dengan harga kenaikan minyak seliter untuk segelas. Kueh dan nasi lemak makanan pagiku akan naik. Sekarang ini akupun telah berjimat pergi ke kedai-kedai borong untuk membeli barang basahan dan harian. Apa lagi ya yang perlu aku buat ?

Aku pernah dengar seorang motivator terkenal pernah berkata. Usahakanlah buat 2 kerja. Kalau perlu tiga kerja untuk melawan kenaikan harga barang. Sekali fikir memang betul kata-kata motivator tersebut. Dua kali fikir beliau benar-benar dah gila, insane. Tidak berpijak ke alam nyata. Tidak perihatin,  pembodek tegar.    

Aku bertanya-tanya diri sendiri adakah orang Melayu yang 40 peratus berada di bawah ekonomi Malaysia ini masih lagi dapat bertahan.   Sekiranya peratus 40 peratus ini boleh dikurangkan ataupun kekal, kenaikan harga minyak itu tidak memberi kesan yang besar kepada kehidupan rakyat terutama orang Melayu. Sebalik sekiranya data menunjukan peratus orang Melayu yang dibawah ekonomi Malaysia melebihi 40 peratus kenaikan harga minyak ini memberi kesan yang sangat negatif kepada orang Melayu. Bahkan ia menunjukkan polisi yang salah.

Kita juga tidak tahu adakah jurang antara mereka yang berada dengan yang tidak semakin menjauh atau berkurang. Kita juga tidak tahu siapakah golongan yang paling beruntung atau paling rugi dengan polisi kenaikan harga petrol ini.

Satu hal lagi aku tidak fasih untuk berbincang tentang hubungan ekonomi dengan peningkatan jenayah. Minda 5 sen aku mengatakan jenayah akan meningkat sekiranya ramai yang merasakan kesan negatif daripada ekonomi. Rompakan dan kes ragut akan bertambah. Sekiranya itulah yang bertambah kenaikan minyak yang dikatakan hanya 11 Peratus memberi kesan yang sangat-sangat tidak lestari kepada kehidupan.

Aku pernah dengar seorang professor ekonomi berkata. Negara manakah yang mempunyai pakar-pakar ekonomi yang paling ramai. Negara itu juga mempunyai universiti-universiti yang terkemuka. Tapi lihatlah ekonomi negara itu  dan krisis-krisis ekonomi yang dialaminya. Aku menambah kita masih menjadi pak pandir dalam menguruskan ekonomi mengikut pandangan-pandangan pakar-pakar ekonomi yang menunjukan kegagalan. Negara itu adalah Amerika.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Beyond Islamism -- Tariq Ramadan

 eyond Islamism
Hornbill Unleashed @ 12:00 AM 17 Aug 2013

Tariq Ramadan

Islamism-or "political Islam"-is not dead. Those who have proclaimed its demise, or trumpeted the advent of a "post-Islamist" era, are wrong, as events in Africa, the Middle East and Asia clearly show. Islamism is not about to disappear, or even to fundamentally mutate. My thesis-my ideological stance, my hope-is that we must go beyond political Islam, and develop a critique of Islamism in all its forms.

Before explaining why I am taking this position, there are three points to bear in mind. Such is the confusion today, so tendentious and often so grotesque are the arguments, that our first duty is to clarity.

First: the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt or Ennadha in Tunisia enjoy popular and electoral legitimacy in their respective countries; all democrats must respect the verdict of the ballot box. One may well disagree with the decisions and positions of the Islamists in power, but nothing can justify a military coup d'État, as in Egypt-meaning that the non-violent demonstrators who are calling for the military to withdraw are right to reject manipulation by the generals.

The crucial question is not whether democracy is possible with Islamists in power-assuming that democratic norms are respected-but whether even a semblance of democracy can exist under a military establishment that has never once in more than sixty years respected those norms.

In Tunisia, internal destabilization, whether through harmful maneuvering by Islamists of the extreme literalist persuasion, or by their fundamentalist secularist counterparts, must not be allowed to undermine the legitimacy of the country's institutions.

The unjustifiable cannot be justified in the name of ideological differences with the people's elected representatives.

Second: the problem of terminology. Confusion is rampant; no one knows exactly who or what "Islamism" means. The term, which has now become powerfully pejorative, can be applied to movements ranging from al-Qaeda (worldwide, and most recently in northern Mali) to the legalists of Ennadha and the Muslim Brotherhood by way of the Justice and Development parties in Turkey and Morocco (with certain reservations), and up to and including the Iranian regime.

It is hard to believe that the confusion is being maintained, and the terminology being utilized purely by chance. Meanwhile the petro-monarchies of the Gulf, those wealthy allies of the West, whose authorities affirm that democracy is un-Islamic, regimes that apply the Shari'a in its most legalistic and repressive form and that forbid women from social and political participation, are never described as "Islamists" even though their policies and practices form the essence of political Islam.

Furthermore, the various Islamist parties or organizations must be described accurately: some are non-violent, reformist and legalist; others are literalist and dogmatic, while still others are violent and extremist.

Without such an understanding, no serious scientific or political analysis is possible. While the focus of this article is on the reformist and legalist movements, it will touch on all Islamist trends (based on the assumption that the proponents of political Islam seek state power).

Finally, it should be perfectly clear that my critique of Islamism is in no way an endorsement of the positions and political programs of its opponents. For more than sixty years, self-styled "liberal," "progressive," "secular" or even "leftist" (each term positively connoted) forces have been unable to put forward serious alternatives for extracting their countries from crisis.

 Opposition to the "retrograde Islamists" is not enough to ensure ideological or practical credibility. In fact, some of the "liberal" factions have in the past proved friendly to dictators, and enjoyed close contact with the West, all the while unable to understand their own fellow citizens; often they have glossed over their divisions and their lack of political influence by simply claiming to be united against the "Islamists."

These factions lack a mass base, a fact their leaders are all too aware of. Thus our critique of the former cannot be seen as acceptance of the views of the latter. No, our aim is to describe the deep crisis of political consciousness in Muslim majority societies, spanning all ideological horizons.

The time has come go beyond Islamism.

When, in the early twentieth century, the first manifestations of Islamism took root and organized form in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, most of them shared a triple objective: to free their societies from colonialism, to return to Islam in order to resist cultural Westernization, and to expound theses and principles similar to those of Latin American liberation theology, that is, social justice with priority to the poor and the downtrodden. They were religiously conservative, socially and economically close to their peoples, and believed as a matter of course that the nation-state was the best vehicle for liberating their countries from the
multi-faceted yoke of colonialism. Whether or not one agreed with these movements, it was at least possible to understand their ideological and political orientation.

The world has changed, and everything suggests that Islamist organizations, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and other legalist and reformist groups, have not kept pace with world-historical developments, with shifts in international relations, and, most of all, with the new paradigm of globalization.

 In addition, state power, which in the beginning was understood as a means to social, political, economic and cultural reform, emerged as an end in itself, perverting both the intentions and the actions of a significant number of Islamist movements.

These factors have combined to create, over time, a disconnect between the oft-repeated claims of the Islamist movements, which have maintained substantial popular support, and their inability to respond to the challenges of the new era. Having become nationalist Islamist movements, their obsession with the state eventually led to them neglecting fundamental economic issues, major cultural concerns, and even failing to address the basic questions of freedom, citizenship and individual autonomy.

Driven into opposition, totally committed to (and imprisoned by) the desire to legitimize their participation in the democratic process as credible, open and dependable in the eyes of the West, the Islamists have become a reactionary force that, in the name of pragmatism, with one compromise after another, have preserved their religious references while voiding them of their potential for social, economic and cultural liberation.

How remote we are from a new interpretation of our scriptural sources, or from a peoples' liberation "theology" that would give absolute priority to the poor and the oppressed; that would, finally, see social and political relations in economic and cultural terms.

The Islamists, today, have no credible or viable economic alternatives to offer. In the name of their obsession with international recognition, they have bowed down before the imperatives of the dominant capitalist economy. The religious reference has become a strictly reactive and a strictly protective one, directed primarily against the permissive excesses of the West and Westernizers.

 It has forfeited its ability to offer an ethical approach to education, social justice, the environment, culture and communication. There have been frequent populist attempts to enlist religion for emotional,identity-related or electoral ends.

It is all well and good to celebrate Turkey's economic success, not to mention its leaders' demonstrated competence and pragmatism (while not forgetting to criticize the absence of some basic freedoms, and the tendency to monopolize power); it is fine to hail the development of Islamist thinking in Egypt and Tunisia, or the emergence of a civil state with Islamic references rather than a theocratic "Islamic state." But their words  remain predominantly slogans, reactions to attacks upon the assumption of power, and not the basis of a clear, original, truly imaginative political project.

 The programs of the legalist and conservative Islamists have little to show for themselves except by way of proving that they too are capable of doing quite as well-or, as badly-as their opponents with regard to their widespread inability to bring about substantial change.

Perhaps it is time to review priorities, to shift the paradigm; perhaps it is time for political Islam to cease being intrinsically political. After a century of opposition to the power structure and a few decades of actually wielding power, Islamism has become an ideology of means and of management.

It has nothing to offer in terms of broader significance except by way of reaction to "Western aggression" or to the "enemy within." Muslim majority societies will never be able to emancipate themselves as long as they are chained to such a restrictive, reactive vision.

The peoples' need for meaning, for dignity and for spirituality, far removed from an ethereal concept of faith, religion and rules, must be heard.

 The task before us is to rethink the ultimate goals of human action, and to develop the contours of an individual and social ethics as a true alternative to the unjust and inhuman world order.

 The need for meaning, for freedom, for justice and dignity has never been greater; today's Muslims need a holistic philosophy of ends; they need to escape from the chaotic management of means that political Islam has been reduced to.

Muslim majority societies are crying out for an intellectual revolution, a revolution that is as radical in its essence as it is courageous in its objectives.

Far from the wielders of power, remote from petty politics and politicians, the time has come to reconcile ourselves with the depth and breadth of the Islamic civilizational tradition and its wealth of meaning that establishes rules in the light of the objectives of dignity, freedom, justice and peace.

The Muslim peoples of today urgently need to reassert themselves. Crucial to the process are spirituality and mysticism: not those of a certain form of Sufism that, not wishing to "take part in politics," ends up by playing the game of powers (and colonisers), but of the quest for self an authentic Sufism never separated from human, social and political (by way of wise and just government) considerations.

 It is not enough to affirm that freedom must come before the "Shari'a"; what is lacking is a thoroughgoing reflection on freedom in the modern age, and the superior objectives (maqasid) of the Path (ash-Shari'a) that supercede its reduction to a body of regulations presented as God's intangible laws.

What ash-Shatibi provided us with, in his synthesis of the "objectives of the Shari'a, - which is actually a "philosophy of law -, must be thought for the notion of freedom : we need a "philosophy of liberty" that cannot be constricting, reactive or dogmatic but must be broad, holistic and liberating, valid for women and men alike.

 There is a sore need of young scholars (ulama) of both sexes, of intellectuals who will show a modicum of courage. While respectful of the message and the immutable rules of practice, they must imperatively seek reconciliation with the intellectual audacity of those who have given the age-old Islamic tradition its strength.

 Against the institutions that have often shaped them, that are under state control and intellectually enfeebled (such as al-Azhar or Umm al-Qura today), the young Muslim generations must free themselves, make their presence felt and give new meaning to the dynamics of a civil society that is no longer a passive onlooker, or simply complain, and display their indignation, or explore new ways of acting, new and alternative visions. Yet they must remain faithful to themselves, while resisting the established order.

The challenges are huge, but in freeing itself from the obsession with "politics", a thought-based movement must elucidate the terms of a counter-power that sees the liberation of peoples through education, social involvement, alternatives to the dominant economy, through cultural and artistic creativity.

 Internally, I have mentioned the intellectual challenges of propounding general ultimate goals, and of developing a global vision that can guarantee autonomy and justice. The question of internal divisions, between Sunnis and Shi'a and between conflicting schools of thought (even between religious and secular), must take priority.

The issues that fuel this division are often serious, but just as often patently ridiculous. It is the obligation of the scholars, of free intellectuals and activists to release themselves from the trap (which  today's Islamists sometimes maintain at the cost of snaring themselves and drowning). Muslims are not alone in their resistance.

Not only is it urgent to establish relations between the North and the Global South, and leave behind the biased "Islam-West" nexus; it is vital that we explore the potential of new educational, scientific and cultural partnerships with the peoples of Latin America, Africa and Asia. Muslim thought, which drew its sustenance from the idea that it should make all wisdom its own, regardless of its source, has become isolated, has turned inward upon itself and has become desiccated by its inability to study, to promote exchange with and to draw profit from other civilizations, cultures and societies.

The Islamists are no exception: obsessed by the North, they have lost their bearings.and the South (does the Qibla, which focuses the gaze on the center and gives it meaning, not accord the same value and the same dignity to the entire periphery?).

 The Islamists of today have developed a conservative message, one that seeks only to adapt. The contemporary Muslim conscience must free itself from this message, and renew its commitment to the reformative and near-revolutionary power of the human and spiritual content of its tradition, which calls equally for reconciliation with self and openness to others.

A cycle is ending; renewal beckons. By becoming better acquainted with our heritage, by determining our priorities, and making better use of the new tools at our disposal we will be able to attain our goals: freedom, dignity and liberation.

The paradox lies in the fact that today's Muslims, lacking self-confidence, are the wardens who hold in their trembling hands the keys of their own prison.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Selepas ini apa lagi yang perlu dibuat.

Hampir saban minggu sejak 2 atau 3 bulan kebelakang ini panggilan, rayuan dan pemintaan untuk orang ramai turun beramai-ramai untuk berdemonstrasi.  Orang ramai diminta berkumpul kemudian berarak beramai-ramai bagi menyatakan bantahan atau protes. Belbagai badan-badan NGO dan politik menganjurkan nya.

Dalam kes yang sudah menjadi sebahagian daripada upacaya ritual demonstrasi untuk menunjukkan prihatin di atas masalah Palestin dengan kekejaman yang dibuat oleh Zionis Israel.  Nasib malang pembunuhan beramai-ramai yang menimpa Mesir bagi menguraikan penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan secara aman mendapat aura demonstrasi yang terbaru.  Sebelum daripada itu apa yang berlaku di Syria,di Iraq dan nasib menimpa orang-orang  Rohingya mendapat tempat.

Rayuan demi rayuan, permintaan untuk orang ramai turun demostrasi bagi menyatakankan prihatin dan meminta pihak berkenaan melakukan sesuatu. Nota bantahan dihantar kepada kedutaaan berkenaan.

Selepas balik daripada demostrasi apa lagi yang di perlu  ?

Ya, pemimpin-pemimpin demostrasi akan mengadakan sidang akhbar. Keesokkan harinya keluarlah kenyataan-kenyataan mereka di dada-dada akhbar. Paling kurang pamirkan sendiri di muka-muka blog rasmi NGO masing-masing.

Selepas itu apa lagi yang perlu dibuat ? 

Ya, jalankan kempen mengutip wang atau sumbangan daripada orang ramai. Kemudian hantarkan sumbangan wang itu ke negara-negara berkenaan atau kumpulan sasaran.

Selepas itu apa lagi yang perlu dibuat ?

Ya, jalankan majlis berdoa munajat beramai-ramai dan qunud nazilah. 

Selepas itu apa lagi yang perlu dibuat ?

Krisis-krisis yang kita membuat demonstasi bukan menjadi semakin menipis bahkan semangkin membesar. Krisis itu membelon besar sehingga menjadi krisis kemanusiaan bukan sahaja di Palestin, bahkan di Iraq, di Syria dan akhir-akhir ini di Mesir.

Selepas itu apa lagi yang perlu dibuat ?

Bersabar dan mencari idea bagi tindakan yang baru dan lebih berkesan. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Avoiding Algeria in Egypt

Avoiding Algeria in Egypt

PORTO – The military coup that has overthrown Egypt’s first democratically elected president and led to the arrests of Muslim Brotherhood leaders across the country poses an enormous danger not only for Egypt’s democratic transition, but for the democratic hopes of the entire Arab world as well.
The fact that the coup was undertaken with massive popular support is a sign of the enormous difficulties faced by the Muslim Brotherhood during its first turn in power. President Mohamed Morsi’s government struggled to address Egypt’s inherited economic  and social crises in the face of enormous public expectations created by 2011 revolution, whose protagonists sought not only freedom but also economic development and social justice.

Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood was also a victim of its own mistakes, particularly the failure of Morsi and his government to reach out to the secular opposition, elements of which had contributed to his election. The  Morsi’s government seemed incapable of understanding that a slim electoral majority is not enough, especially nowadays.

Indeed, the breadth of the opposition to Morsi reflects a major global tendency toward the empowerment of the educated and connected middle classes, whose members tend to be suspicious of political partied and demand more direct political participation. In this sense, Egypt’s difficulties differ only in scope, not in kind from those faced by governments in Turkey, Brazil and even Europe.

Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood dominated government from its first days in power. But it also faced opposition from variety of other, far  less democratically minded forces, including holdovers from Hosni Mubarak’s regime, who continue to wield influence in official institutions. The judiciary, for example, dissolved the first elected legislative assembly. Likewise, the interior minister refused to protect the Brotherhood’s headquarters from repeated attack.

Moreover, some secular intellectuals demonized the Brotherhood. Like their Algerian counterparts – who on 1992 approved of the Algerian army’s suppression of an Islamist electoral victory, leading to years of brutal fighting that left perhaps a half-million dead – many Egyptians didn’t mind repressing Islamists.

Morsi and Brotherhood also faced competition from Saudi-backed Salafists. Indeed, on the night of the coup, these ultra-conservative Islamists appeared together with military leaders and the secular political leader Mohamed Elbaradei to announce  Morsi’s overthrow.

The prospects for Egypt’s democratic transition have become increasingly difficult to predict, but one thing is clear: the military cannot and must not be trusted. During the period after the fall of Mubarak, when the army exercised full power, 12,000 civilians were charged in military courts, virginity tests were impose on women (particularly those protesting against the military), demonstrators were killed and myriad human-rights violations were committed with impunity.

Of course, it possible for the soldiers to assure a transition to democracy, as they did four decades ago in mu homeland, Portugal, following their overthrow of the Salazar/Caetano dictatorship. But the record of military-led transitions elsewhere has been poor: democracy may be proclaimed to be the coup’s raison d’etre, but the transition stops there. Moreover, in this case, the Egyptian army appears far more interested in protecting its enormous economic interests that it is in securing the benefits of the civilian government responsive to its citizens.

Trust should still be put in young Egyptians and their demands for freedom and democracy – demands that link the movement that overthrew Mubarak to the demonstrations that led to Morsi’s removal. But the predominant goals should be to support the creation in Egypt of pluralistic society that defends the rights of all the political participation and the free and fair elections. Today, this requires opposition to any Mubarak-style repression of the Muslim Brotherhood.    
Immediately following the coup, the European Union adopted ambivalent position toward it. This too, is reminiscent of Algeria in 1992.  When most European governments supported the annulment of Islamists’ electoral victory (likewise, the Eu refused to recognize Hamas’s electoral victory in Gaza in 2006).

Continuing fear of political Islam in much of the West explains past support for dictatorial regimes. Today, the EU and US should demand the liberation of all members of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Morsi and the integrations of the Brotherhood onto any political solution.
The international community should also be concerned with the coup’s regional implications. Syrian President  Bashar al-Assad’s cynical declaration of the support for the coup is a sign that some want to turn  today’s struggle in the Arab world into a bloody contest between Islamists and securists.    
In the long term, any crackdown on the Brotherhood would lead its members and supporters – already bitterly disappointed in democracy – to reject elections entirely. That outcomes could have a very negative impact on Islamist movements elsewhere. For many, the extremists who criticized the Brotherhood and other Islamist parties for choosing a democratic route to power will have been vindicated and a new wave of violence in the region may begin.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Egypt : Coup d’État, Act II

Egypt : Coup d’État, Act II by Tariq Ramadan
mardi, 9 juillet 2013

For two years now I have often been asked why I have not visited Egypt, where I had been forbidden entry for 18 years. Just as often I repeated that on the basis of the information I was able to obtain—confirmed by Swiss and European officials—the Egyptian army remained firmly in control and had never left the political arena.

I never shared the widespread “revolutionary” enthusiasm. Nor did I believe that events in Egypt, any more than in Tunisia, were the result of a sudden historical upheaval. The peoples of these two countries suffered from dictatorship, from economic and social crisis ; they rose up in the name of dignity, social justice and freedom. Their awakening, their “intellectual revolution,” and their courage must be saluted. But to accept or justify a simple-minded, linear explanation of the political, geostrategic and economic issues would have been totally unconscionable. Nearly three years ago, in a book and then in a series of articles, I alerted my readers to a body of troubling evidences, and to the underlying geopolitical and economic considerations that were often missing from mainstream political and media analyses, and that insisted on submitting the euphoria that accompanied the “Arab spring” to critical analysis.

The Egyptian army has not returned to politics for the simple reason that it has never left. The fall of Hosni Mubarak was a military coup d’État that allowed a new generation of officers to enter the political scene in a new way, from behind the curtain of a civilian government. In an article published on June 29 2012 I noted an Army high command declaration that the presidential election was temporary, for a six-month to one-year period (its title made the premonition explicit : “An election for nothing ?”). The American administration had monitored the entire process : its objective ally in Egypt over the past fifty years has been the army, not the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The latest revelations (see the International Herald Tribune , July 5, and Le Monde, July 6) confirm what was already clear : the decision to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi had been made well before June 30. A conversation between President Morsi and General al-Sisi indicated that the head of the country’s military had planned the overthrow and imprisonment of the president weeks before the popular upheaval that would justify the military coup “in the name of the people’s will.” A clever strategy ! Orchestrate demonstrations involving millions of people in order to make believe that the army truly cares about the people ! Coup d’État, second act.

How then to analyze the immediate reaction of the American administration, which avoided using the term “coup d’État” (which, if accepted, would mean it could not provide financial support to the new regime) ? A curious position for a government that in its ‘surprise’ uses exactly the right words to exert full political, economic and legal leverage over the coup makers. European governments will follow suit, of course : the army has responded “democratically” to the call of the people. It’s all too good to be true ! Magically, chronic blackouts, gasoline and natural gas shortages came to an abrupt end after the fall of the president. It was as though people had been deprived of the basic necessities in order to drive them into the streets. Amnesty International observed the strange attitude of the armed forces, which did not intervene in certain demonstrations (even though it was closely monitoring them), allowing the violence to spiral out of control, as though by design. The armed forces then accompanied its intervention with a saturation public relations campaign, providing the international media with photographs taken from its helicopters, depicting the Egyptian population as it cheered and celebrated their military saviors, as confirmed in Le Monde.

Nothing, then, has really changed : the “Arab spring” and the Egyptian “revolution” continue under the guiding hand of General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi. Trained by the United States Army, the general has kept close contact with his American counterparts. The New International Herald Tribune (July 6-7) informs us that General al-Sisi is well known to the Americans, as well as to the government of Israel, with which he “and his office”, we are told, continued to “communicate and to coordinate” even while Mohamed Morsi occupied the presidential palace. Al-Sisi had earlier served in the Military Intelligence Services in the North Sinai, acting as go-between for the American and Israeli authorities. It would hardly be an understatement to say that Israel, like the United States, could only look favorably upon developments in Egypt.

What, after the fact, is surprising, is the simple-mindedness, the lack of experience and the nature of the mistakes made by Mohamed Morsi, by his allies, and by the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization. For the last three years, I have been sharply critical of the thinking, action and strategies of the “Liberty and Justice” party, as well as of the MB leadership (over the last twenty-five years, my analyses and commentary have been and remain sharply critical). The trap seemed glaringly obvious ; my writings on the subject (book, and articles written between March and December 2012) pointed to grave shortcomings. President Morsi cannot be fairly criticized for not doing all he could to establish relations with the opposition, either by inviting it to join the government or to take part in a broad national dialogue. But his approaches were rejected out of hand, with the opposition bitterly opposing his every initiative. The fact remains, however, that his management of the business of state, his failure to listen to the voice of the people and even to some of his trusted advisors, his exclusivist relationship with the highest echelons of the MB leadership, his hasty and ill-considered decisions (some of which he later acknowledged as errors) must be unsparingly criticized. But on a more fundamental level, his greatest fault has been the utter absence of a political vision and the lack of clearly established political and economic priorities, his failure to struggle against corruption and poverty, and his egregious mismanagement of social and educational affairs. The demands of the International Monetary Fund (and its deliberate procrastination) placed the state in an untenable position : the Morsi government believed that the international institution would support it. It is only today, now that President Morsi has fallen, that the IMF appears prepared to remove what were previously insurmountable obstacles. This, coming a mere three days after the overthrow of a democratically elected government.

The naivety of the president, of his government and of the Muslim Brotherhood has been stunning. After sixty years of opposition and military repression (with the direct and indirect benediction of the US Administration and the West), how could they possibly have imagined that their former adversaries would support their rise to power, invoking democracy all the while ? Did they learn nothing from their own history, from Algeria in 1992, and, more recently, from Palestine ? I have been and remain critical, both of the (superficial) content of their program and the ambiguous strategy of President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (compromise with the armed forces and the United States, surrender on the economy and the Palestinian cause, etc.) but their lack of political awareness has been quite simply stupefying. To hear President Morsi tell General al-Sisi, a mere ten days before his overthrow, that he might well demote him (after all, he had appointed him) and that the Americans would “never permit a coup d’État” was as mind-boggling as it was surrealistic.

Some observers were startled to see the salafis , in particular the an-Nour party, join forces with the military alongside the “democratic” faction opposed to President Morsi. Were the outcome not so tragic, it would be tempting to label it farce. The Western media were quick to label the “Islamist” salafis as allies of the Muslim Brotherhood while ; in point of fact, they were and are allies of the regimes of the Gulf States, who are in turn the regional allies of the United States. The idea was to undermine the religious credibility of the Muslim Brotherhood, and to force it into extreme positions.

At the moment of President Morsi’s overthrow, they not only betrayed him but revealed their strategy and their strategic alliances for the entire world to see. It is hardly surprising to note that the first countries to recognize the new coup d’État regime were the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, whose powerful organizations provided, and still provide, direct and indirect financial support to the Egyptian salafis (as well as to their Tunisian counterparts). A superficial reading might lead one to believe that Saudi Arabia and Qatar support the Muslim Brotherhood ; in reality they are the mainstays of American power in the region.

The strategy is to sow division among the various political Islamic trends, to foment confrontation and to destabilize. This same strategy focuses on contradictions between Sunni political organizations and exacerbates divisions between Shia and Sunni. The United States and Europe have no quarrel with the political Islam of the salafi literalists of the Gulf States (and their denial of democracy, their non-respect of minorities, their discrimination against women, and the application of a strict “Islamic” penal code described as “shari’a”) ; they protect their geostrategic and regional economic interests while their repressive and retrograde domestic policies, as long as they are applied domestically, could not matter less to the West.

It’s all about keeping up appearances. Millions of Egyptians rallied in support of the “second revolution” and appealed to the armed forces, which were quick to respond. They now promise to turn over power to the civilians. The leader of the opposition, Mohamed al-Baradei, has played a central role in the process, and his prominence has been growing apace. He has been in close touch with the youthful cyber-dissidents and the April 6 Movement since 2008 ; documents of the U.S. State Department, which I quote in my book, point to his close connection with the American administration. His visibility has been promoted by a clever strategy, and even though he has declined the position of Prime Minister (and announced that he will not be a candidate for president, which has yet to be seen), he has emerged as an important player on the Egyptian political scene. He has notoriously—and democratically—defended the arrest of members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the closing of their television stations and the entire range of repressive measures imposed on citizens who continue to support President Morsi, even though they may not be MB members (some are supporting democratic legitimacy). The weeks to come will provide us with more details about plans for fleshing out the civilian character of this particular military state. It must be remembered that for decades the Egyptian army has managed close to 40% of the national economy as well as being the leading recipient of an annual American aid package of $1.5 billion.

An elected president has been toppled by a military coup d’État. There is no other word for it. The people, in their legitimate desire for a better life and for survival, for justice and dignity, have been unwitting participants in a media-military operation of the highest order. The situation is grave ; the silence of Western governments tells us all we need to know. There has been no “Arab spring” ; the perfume of its revolutions burns the eyes like tear gas.

In our day, it is not unusual for writer who does not accept the official consensus to be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist,” for his analysis to be rejected before studying the facts upon which it is based. Are we to conclude that in our globalizing age, with its networks of national security policies and structures and its new means of communication, political scheming, malicious stratagems, manipulation of information and of peoples are a thing of the past ? “Conspiracy theorist” is a new insult devised for those who think the wrong thoughts, who don’t fit in ; paranoids, people who ascribe occult powers to certain states (the United States, the European countries, Israel, the Arab and African dictatorships, etc.) that they really do not possess.

We must forget what we learned about the conspiracies that have left their mark on the history of Latin America and Africa (from the assassination of Salvador Allende to the elimination of Thomas Sankara) ; we must overlook the lies that led to the invasion of Iraq and to the massacres in Gaza (both presented as legitimate defense) ; we must say nothing about the West’s alliance with and support for the literalist salafis of the Gulf sheikhdoms ; close our eyes to the benefit for Israel of regional instability and of the most recent coup d’État in Egypt. We must remain naïve and credulous if we are not to notice that the United States and Europe on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other, have agreed to disagree on Syria, and that the 170 Syrians who die each day count for nothing against the strategic and economic interests of the Great Powers.

Our obligation is to stick to the facts, to avoid oversimplification. The polar opposite of an over-simplified reading of events is not “conspiracy theorizing” but that of intelligence informed by history, by hard facts and by a detailed analysis of conflicting interests. The interpretation presented here may well be wrong or inexact, but substantial and verifiable evidence has repeatedly confirmed it. From those who have criticized or challenged our analysis, we look forward to a fact-based counter-analysis far from denigrations and facile slogans. When people refuse to call a military coup d’État by its real name, and when most media avert their eyes, the hour for critical conscience has struck.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mengapa barat menguasai Dunia

Membaca buku lama yarhamah Maryam Jameelah "Islam and Western Society" 1978 memberikan beberapa jawapan kepada persoalan di manakah sebenarnya kekuatan barat. Mukasurat 41 beliau menulis.

1. Superior physical energy, vitality (daya hidup) dan dynamism.

By comparison the non European culture and people tended to be rather lazy, sluggish, apathetic and easy going while the West was wide-awake, alert, restlesss and unceasingly active.

2. superior organization and maximum efficiency in the utilization of both natural and human resources.

Western institution were unparalled in their strength and effectiveness in organisation which no oriental people could match.

Investigate islamic organization and movement today (buku ini dikeluarkan pada 1978) and one will find most of them inactive and doing little, if any constructive work. Muslims do much talking bur little doing. Grandiose, highpsounding ideas are conceived but Muslims rarely carry their project through.

Among too many orientals promises are made only to be broken. Work is regarded  by too many of us as a burden to be shirked whenever possible.

Zeal, zest and enthusiasm to get job done are quickly replaced by apathy and indifference. It is extremely difficult to get Muslims and most the oriental peoples to collaborate and cooperate in harmony. If our goal of an Islamic order is to be succeed, yet in the ex muslim world it is very rare that two or more scholars will agree to work together even on a single book.

Western acheivement is indebted to high morale, self-confidence and frantic single mindedness to let nothing stand in the way of getting the job done as quickle and efficiently as possible.

3. Superior technology : God has imbued man with great potentialities and mental faculties to exploit  to his benefit and field or domain in which he uses them, Every earnest research worker can exploit a new world in the domain of his selected field of inquiry.   Event the tiny particle of dust may open up for the scientist realms hardly less in complexity than the dazzling light of the sun. This is what happen in Europe. When matter was brought under intense scientific investigation, Western man discovered the clue to power and energy in apparently dead and  inner matter. This led to a revolution in the realm of technology which gave the West tremendous superior in arms and military equipment. As a result, its political power swept across the world in a very short time., eastern nations and civilizations crumbling before it like hills of sand. Advanced in technology permit the invading culture of the West to penetrate all barriers - geographical and linguistic  without fear of confrontation. Powerful radio stations beam foreign-language broadcasts and through clever commentaries and slanted news influenced the thinking of the victim. Telecommunication satellites permit the enemy to project her culture right into our bedrooms and win adherent, among innocent and defenseless  children. Where the national televison policy is the same as the enemy's, the situation of the victim country becomes most hopeless.